Saturday, December 02, 2006

Busy but good!

What was I thinking when I thought after the audit things would calm down? *laughs*
Since scrap camp I have had hardly any time to scrap. Been working flat out and this week we finally had the first public show at the theatre on Thursday night. All went really well and the guys were simply amazing! Work on Friday was a bit of a blurr after so little sleep. Another show tomorrow but today is my day off. Rainer and I enjoyed spending time together and went for a long lunch to Sorelle's.

My computer had caught some viruses so more troubles with going online etc but we fixed that today. I am sooooooooooooooooo happy about that!

Somehow I managed to squeeze in 2 LO's into last week.
Here's my
NZ Dare entry for the ad inspiration challenge. Rainer took these pictures on mother's day and I love them. Journaling tags say: we smile together; we argue, make up; we growl , we laugh; we grump, we talk; we hug, we kiss; weagree or not; we love each other; Everyday is Mother's day.
Aren't those buttons cool, picked them up for peanuts at a local craft shop. Arrows 0.o

And my entry for SE's November challenge -use your own handwriting . Since I use my own handwriting a lot I tried to challenge myself with a LO style/colours I would not usually do. Honestly I look at it and dont know what to make of it ;p

Hope you all have a great weekend and find some time to PLAY!
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 27, 2006


Ooopsiedoo, somehow I seem to have turned the comments allowed button off.. no clue how that happened. So my apologies to everyone! I do like to get your comments!!!
Had a full on day today, it's gonna be a week like that. The drama group at work has their shows this week. Thurs night and sunday afternoon. So since last week we have rehearsed in the theatre. It's going well but oh boy it's gonna be a long week!
Time for a coffee and a smoke!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Weekend almost over

First a thank you for all your comments. Sure nice to read!

Gosh doesn't time fly by when you're having fun... My friend Verna - Leigh and I had a real girly day yesterday- shop til you drop! It was a blast - even with feet smoking at the end of the day ;p Verna-Leigh was looking for an outfit to wear to her son's wedding. We started in Puke at Caroline Eve's where Verna tried every single skirt they had..only about 30 or 40 skirts and some dresses for good measure too. But bought none- not for lack of trying, just the good looking ones were not 'formal' enough.
We learned heaps about what styles suited her and armed with that knowledge hit Manukau. No shop was safe from us ;p She was so lucky and found a gorgeous cute red/black dress with some sequins - is there another bling queen in the making? that was even decently priced. So having saved some $'s we had to drop in on a fashion jewellery shop to get a necklace and some earrings - definately a bling queen in the making! *coughs* fine I admit it I couldn't resist a little bling bracelet. Exhausted and happy I collapsed on the sofa at 7 pm or so;p
Woke this morning with a sore throat and slightly hoarse- what timing.. with a full weeks work coming up. That'll be interesting.
Finished Melissa's cj today and spend quite some time in bed today. Have to get me some meds tomorrow.

Oh thought you might like to see some LO's from scrap camp.
My first ever 1 hour challenge that I actually completed in 1 hour! Was thinking of working some more on it but then decided to keep it as a keepsake.

Another challenge LO - use 75% of product given. At first I was a bit put off by the frilly paper and the cream lace - not exactly teenage boy material...But the reverse side was nicely distressed so used that mainly, inked the lace and another cream ribbon black. Used 2 ribbons woven through holes at the top of LO and that grunge lace at the bottom. Then cut out some arrows - a gal gotta give into her obsessions sometimes;p Am happy with the result. Chris didnt complain about the lace and said it looks ok - so all's well.

Time for bed! Wish you all a great start to the week!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Hmm beta blog...

My day off today. Decided to clean up. My scrap room looks like a tornado went through *coughs* and the rest of the house is not far behind. Then got sidetracked catching up on all the blogs while fighting with the constant disconnects from my internet. It really is starting to peeve me off!

Somehow I ended up switching to beta blog... why oh why??? Some alien must have possessed me temorarily or maybe I had an early senior moment ;p Now I am confused and clueless, cant put my slideshows back etc. Only thing I got to work was a new title. Inspired by some early x-mas feelings. Guess I will figure things outin time. LOL Anything to avoid cleaning up .. bad bad me!

Late in the afternoon I realized the fortnightly challenge at SE was due today. Stipulates we need to use journaling strips. I used arrows as my journaling strips - cut from that cool Sassfrass pp I bought at scrap camp. Describing the camp and the gals with all sorts of adjectives, cool, amazing, fabulous etc. Am a bit obsessed with arrows at the moment;p Wish the photo had turned out better. Maybe I'll try take another one tomorrow.
Here it is:

Ooops - almost 1 am. Better race to bed - work tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Fantastic Scrap Camp

Scrap camp was simply amazing!!!
Lucky me hitched a ride with Kelly, who is such a good safe driver. On the way we picked up Steph and arrived right on time at camp.
It was so wonderful to meet the gals from SBO. Such a lovely bunch of women and so talented too!
Green theme night- from left
Stephanie, me, Delys, Kelly, Bev, Kirsty
There were 2 classes. Card making by Nic - made such beautiful cards and Faye had us distressing, inking and abusing our papers to our hearts content! There were challenges and quite a few prizes up for grabs. Our table was right into the challenges. Hey with Delys, Kelly and Bev on it what 'd ya expect! Amazingly I got my 1 hour challenge completed - thats a first! There was also good time to just scrap and meet people. Not that I got all that much done - but I knew that prior. It was so cool to meet up with Michelle TW, Sandra ,Tracey ( my fellow smoker;p) and Lisa from scrapbooking by design. What a bunch of fantastic females!
Guess by now everyone knows I stayed up all night on Friday and until 2 am on Sat!!! I know crazy me! But oh boy did I crash once back fell asleep around 7 pm after work for the next 2 days. Hmm I guess my body is not 20 anymore, somehow I had forgotten that;p
Lianne and Yolande did a fantastic job and I want to thank you for all the effort and hard work you put in!

0 o
Lisa and Tracey Green Mushroom Fairy- love this pic that Kelly took of me!

The gals at 'work'

Kolourful Kelly and bling bling Bev!

The delightful Delys and sweet Stephanie!
Our scrap table gals outside - thanks to Michelle TW for taking the photo!
from back: me and Kelly, Bev, Delys, Kirsty, front Steph
Hopefully tomorrow I can check out all the blogs! Internet is once again madly yoyo-ing am really loosing my patience with our ISP. Thank goodness the blog posts can be saved as a draft or I'd have never gotten this published. That is if I get a chance to upload

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sooooooo excited!

Wooohooooooooooooo, we are going to scrap camp tomorrow! Cant wait to meet up with Kelly and hit the road!!! On the way we will pick up Stephanie in Matamata. How cool is that 3 chicks on the road to scrapland!!!
So looking forward to meeting my scrappin buddies and other new people!
Just before leaving work my boss came over to our facility and said, OH MY look at Ilka, she positively beams with happiness! 'Hell yeah I said, I am going to scrapcamp tomorrow woohoooooo!!'
I'll let you all know how it went come Monday!

Oh and thanks for the nice comments about my NZ Dare entry. I love green at the moment - from the yellow greens into the deeper richer moss colours. Am really into the black/ green /white combination or green and blue. Had fun using paint on the big flowers to tone them down a bit. They were a bit too yellow , especially at the tips.

Thanks also for your kind words and hugs - much appreciated. It's good to know that it's ok to be real here in blogland.

Thanks for stopping by.
Oh better wish you a fantastic weekend!!! My internet is once again up and down , I might post more tomorrow if I can get on but just in case I cant...
Be good, no be better, be best >>>> PLAY AND HAVE FUN!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Global dare entry

Is she cute or what 0.O Love this photo of myself!

Fill up a whole page, whoowsie that's a challenge for me ;p It feels rather 'full' to me now - quite subjective I know -I know- . I had a blast kinda throwing things at it and re- discovered some goodies I must have had for some time like those 3 slide frames. I really like them, they have a small tiny text type on them and a transparent cover with the words 'cherish', 'remember' and 'memories' on them. Perfect fit! I am very proud of myself for 'not saving them for a better day' ! I am making progress 0.O
I was amazed how fantastic the photo print turned out. Considering I made a print of a print and the original was rather tiny. Will do this a bit more often with some of my old photos. Well worth it!
Here's the journaling, sorry it's in german... *winks*

Ok ok I translate it;p This photo used to live in my Oma's ( grandmother's ) glass cabinett. I would often go look at it and Oma would join me and then tell stories of the past, of her childhood, of Opa and her, of Opa and me... Opa had a weak heart and died when I was really young. So all my memories are the stories that Oma used to tell me. He sounded like such a gentle warm man and apparently he adored me and I adored him. Certainly always felt very loved when Oma told her stories. One of my favorites is ' Opa and Ilka are picking dandelion leaves for the rabbits. I was quite protective of my Opa and his failing health. So I would tell Opa to sit and rest assuring him I am a big girl Opa! I can pick the basket all by myself... which I did too. We spent many hours thus, him on the bench me in the grass, chatting away to each other while slowly filling the basket with leaves. I also shared my sandwiches with those rabbits, one bite me, one bite for the rabbit..
I wish I could have gotten to know my Opa better. I cherish all the stories my Oma told me and love this photo because it is like a book with invisible pages...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My ingredients...

Dont they look spectacular my ingredients for my ' green theme party' outfit for scrap camp!
Cant say more, but will sneak in another photo soon. LOL - I feel like Meg and Andrea - teasing people with tidbits of info ;p
Had a lot of fun playing around with it!
I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited about scrap camp!
Never done anything like it and cant wait to meet all the scrappin buddies I met on the forums.
Counting my sleeps like I used to before x-mas *chuckles*.


After a weeks struggle my collegue died yesterday...
It's been a strange week. I just did not feel right and so many memories came back, also about my Mom and her death. And how XX in many ways was like my Mom, only she was upfront about it - not once would she be surprised if anyone would call her loud ,harsh and opinionated. In a way I had a chance to learn to be myself, back myself up and stand my ground, hard lessons learned with many tears and much inner work. But learned nonetheless. I think people one loves or people one had much struggles with are those that affect us the most... For one learns so much from either type. And she and I had quite a history...
Hidden journaling goes:
XX- would you have been surprised to see me cry and mourn for you?
You and I - we had more than a fair share of disagreements. You are such a staunch, opinionated woman. Lous and harsh. Like a fieldmarshal. Only 1 way, your way, the right way... So much like my mother. You disapproved of my softness, my gentleness and thought it weakness. Dont think you 'got me'. But we learned to agree to disagree. And I think in the end we had a mutual respect for one another.
I will miss you XX. Thank you so much for all that I have learned through you.
Blessings for a safe journey!
This quiet introvert week has been good for me and making the page was another step..
I feel ok now. The funeral is in 2 days time and I will be going with another workmate and a couple of clients from work. More closure.

Good night for now!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tagged by default from reading Hannah's blog!

20 Questions
1. What countries have you visited?

Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan,Belgium, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Germany
2. Would you rather fly, walk, swim or ride a horse?
Fly - simply because one can cover such vast distances when flying and the world becomes my oyster. Having said that, anything above10+ hours in a plane feels a bit? like torture ;p
3. If you could get stuck in an elevator with any celebrity, who would it be?
Dalai Lhama - and lets be stuck there for a good long time please!
4. How would your co-workers describe you?

Effective, organized, knowledgable, reliable,quirky and friendly.
5. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
I have 2 piercing in the ear but I reckon they are grown close again . Tattoos? Me? Never!I know there is a big chance that what I love now I wont love in 5 years time so why would I commit to something so permanent;p I am all for rub on & wash off tatooes!
6. Which movie character would you most like to be?
The leading lady in the movie 'chocolat'- just because she is so much who she is...
BTW love this quote from the movie:
Père Henri: Do I want to speak of the miracle of our Lord's divine transformation? Not really, no. I don't want to talk about his divinity. I'd rather talk about his humanity. I mean, you know, how he lived his life, here on Earth. His *kindness*, his *tolerance*... Look, here's what I think. I think that we can't go around... measuring our goodness by what we don't do. By what we deny ourselves, what we resist, and who we exclude. I think... we've got to measure goodness by what we *embrace*, what we create... and who we include.
7. What is your nickname?
I have a few of these. Silke calls me Fairy Sis, suga and sunshine, Rainer calls me Engelchen, Suesse , Kleine and my sweety, Dad and my sis call me Ilkamusch
8. Have you ever been arrested?
No and have no intention of changing that!
9. What is your worst pet peeve?
Drivers who don't keep their safe distance to me.
10. Is your music collection alphabetised?
Are you kidding me? Of course not.
11. What's your favourite cartoon character?

12. Do you play any instruments?
No- sadly not.
13. If you were on Survivor, what would be your luxury item?
Paper and pens - to doodle with and write things - my way to 'tune out'
14. If you could eliminate one disease, what would it be?
Cancer and aids - sorry but cant settle for just one.
15. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Guess I am a bit of both- more nightowl though. I love staying up late but these days I often get up early even on weekends! Dont worry I make up for the lack of sleep with a snooze in the arvo ;p
16. What are your secret talents?
Wouldn't be secret - if I told you O.o
17.Who is your favourite author?
I rather think I have a favourite genre which is fantasy.
18. Which TV family would you like to join?
The Adams Family - lol
19. What song would you sing at Karaoke?
Being the friendly person that I am none out of considerations to my fellow human beings;p
20. If you could have only one food for the rest of your life (assuming that this would not affect your health), which food would you choose?
One? Must be two, too much sweet I crave savory and vice versa ;p Sweet - chocolate and savory bread/chips.

Consider yourself tagged;p

Monday, November 06, 2006

What a shock...

What a shock I had today. One of my workmates had a stroke at work.... She is such a strong, stroppy Lady, always on the move, always telling everyone what to do..... There we were waiting for the ambulance - she in recovery position, not responding to holding and stroking her hand...the other staff stroking her head...
Hours later we find out she had a massive stroke.. It just all seems so unreal. Dont know if she will even make it through the night or has passed on already...
Life, we take so much for granted, as being solid and real and yet it is so incredible fragile, real one minute and gone the next...
Anyways, that's me for today. Sorry not sure if I should post this but then, life is not all about happy happy and pretty pictures... Right now I am feeling sad but ok, getting hugs from Rainer and sending prayers for my workmate and her family.


I just love tulips! Not gonna wait until I get flowers given- I spoiled myself on Wednesday and bought these. Over the weekend they opened up - simply stunning, especially those multi- leaved ones.

Another busy weekend and no scrapping done...
We met Chris's girlfriend's mother on Saturday. What a relief! She seems very nice and we had a long chat. She stayed over for a fish'n chips dinner. She has good discipline and expects her daughter to get an education and not a father for a child. Whew! I tell ya, the oddest things go through your mind when your kid starts dating. I feel I have a lot to learn just like my son..LOL How to be a Mom of a dating teenager - big time learning!
Sunday we went to Manukau City. I had to get some stuff and Chris suddenly 'needs new clothes'. Amazing from the teenage boy who could not care too much to the teenager that showers extensively every morning and is wardrobe conscious 0.O Some changes are sure nice! If expensive;p
Spotlight is nightmare territory for my men.. can you tell? Patiently waiting outside...

2 more days of work and then time off for me! Cant wait! Have a wonderful start to the week everyone:)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

World Wide Dare Day

Was so fun sitting at SBO's friday chat night all waiting impatiently for the dares to go up! LOL. Checking and re-checking to see our NZ Dares team entries!
What an amazing concept - a world wide dare -!!! NZ Dares joined forces with the Aussie Dares, The UK Dares and the US Effers for a combined dare. Very exciting stuff!
Here is the dare:
~Childhood Memories or Dream theme
~Cover the whole background/page
~Throw in some paint
~Title on the photo
How cool is that? So much room to move any which way! Some awesome inspirational work on the dare sites. You have got to check them out, the english ones are not up yet - still waiting for friday 11pm to come around. Timezones are a funny thing. I must say the kiwis and aussies are a lot more inspirational and unique than the effers. They tried and pushed the envelope with some stunning results!

NZDares closes on 15th of Nov and Scrappin Downunder provides the cool price - a selection of the delicious Bohemia range! I am so gonna give this a try! Love the price but even more I love the challenge!

Tired as I was I had a great night with the gals over at SBO's. Still sad I missed out on the nov kit :( But people everyone can get the cool journaling stamp that Rachel designed - check it out it's on her nzdare entry! It's just so cool - and even see through- and will be on sale at SBO shortly. I am so gonna get that! Oh and Andrea mentioned they might get the DT to design some stamps each and maybe even do custom stamps. What a cool idea! Cant wait for that!

Now I have to see if I can find the few childhood photos I have. I remember I put them in a safe place. Do I never learn? LOL.
So excited, got a few ideas buzzing through my head . Fun to send the mind onto memory lane!

Ok time for a fresh coffee. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by:)

Friday, November 03, 2006

DT etc

Well I didnt make it onto either DT. But not phased. When the time is right it'll happen. I told you about the cool surprise and special mentioning for the x-mas boot over at Lisa's. Loved the price - a cool ribbon pack from fancy pants and neat rub- ons from Flair and then some giant cardboard numbers from Junkitz. Those will push me a little.

Below a few pictures of the x-mas boots I made so my friends who are non scrappers and dont go to the online galleries can have a peek too. My beloved silent lurkers O.o. I rather like these boots O.o Gonna put them up on the 6th of december to celebrate our anniversary.

Internet is back Woohooo!

My internet played up big time for a few days...:( Could not access anything international including any blogs only some local sites and those I got constantly disconnected. Drove me wild - so frustrating. LOL sad isn't it when your internet is gone and you start feeling like you lost a limb or 2;p Anyways it seems they finally fixed it Yippeeeeeeeeee!!! I'm back!
Better tell you about my last weekend before this one comes;p It was a rather social affair by my reclusive standards;p
We went out to celebrate Verna's birthday on Friday. Superyummy food and great company at a local little Thai restaurant. Verna and me - sheesh the kids took some horror photos of us!

Here they are! Verna's gorgeous gals!

On saturday night we had a blast! Game evening with Verna and Errol. We played Cranium. A first time for everyone. This is such a fun game - basically you need to guess an answer to something and use a variety of ways to guess it. Aacting, drawing, blind drawing , singing, humming, clues all sorts of stuff. Real fun and had us in stitches. Rainer was the hoot and his acting cracked us up!

The audits went really well on Monday. What a relief!!! Thanks for everyones well wishes and positive energies! Only afterwards did I realize how freakin stressed I was and now I am still slowly destressing. Guess I have been running a bit on adrenaline and now feel so tired this week, hit the zzz mark first time at 7 pm and by 9 pm ready to fall asleep. Hopefully the last stress will leave me over the weekend!
Gonna tell you about the DT comps in next post.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Crazy life

Well that was a big surprise to see my x-mas boot getting a special mentioning and prize. Gosh I love surprises and presents! Thanks for your support and well wishes!Timing was perfect too - I really needed something to cheer me up!

Came home from another extra day at work which was like stress times 100. I swear every hour the audit gets closer management gets crazier and more stressed out. My boss looks like she didnt have a decent sleep in weeks. I guess with $2 mil at stake thats understandable. 2 minutes before I left for home I got another huge pile of paperwork to fill out... This was supposed to be my week off - yeah right ;p To top it I am now the lucky one to go in on my day off on Monday and get interviewed. Another big wad of paperwork came my way yesterday- all stuff I should be able to rattle off. So my reading material for the weekend is secured ;p
Todays list is another long list not to mention the clients have been disturbed by all these handiman coming and going and fixing things as well as us getting extra training and spending so much time doing paperwork. So much yelling, screaming , shouting and other behaviours I wont mention here lol.
I am a bit nervous about the interview but also so relieved that soon this will all be over and I get my life back!

Between being tired as and my internet probs I havent been able to post much on forums and I miss that.Will post on your blogs tonight or tomorrow - still need to do some work before going to work.
My ISP has decided why not test my patience further. We are in the unlucky group of customers whose internet fails constantly for many days now. Rainer had a talk with them, they are working on fixing it. Meantime their advice is to turn the pc off for 15 minutes and try reconnect. It's an exercise in how not to loose your cool... Try doing that for a few hours with no connect. I feel like screaming!

Finally managed to get a connection and send my DT entry to Meg. She will announce the DT on Monday! So the wait is on...

Gonna go out for dinner tonight and celebrate Verna's birthday. Love it when I have something good to look forward to. Because today is going to be the madest day ever, last chance to 'fix all' which reminds me, I better go update the site specific hazard list now and burn it on a cd to take to work so I can fill more forms out;p

Only great thing about all this extra work is that I promised myself a bit of spending spree for scrap stuff. Want to get some of the new fancy stamps and papers and and and;p
Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Winners of Lisa's DT are out

So exciting this morning I open up my email and see Lisa has announced her new DT.
I did not make it but I am not phased by that. My time will come eventually:) I was excited to recognize a few names though!
The winners are : Andrea Senn, Christi Nelson, Gwen Kirman, Jacqui Jones, Jo Kneller, Lesley Cooper and Margaret Bennett.
Congratulation Ladies! What a talented bunch! Can't wait to see their design team works. I know a few from forums and of course Christi from blogging also. How exciting is that Christi!!! Cant wait to see her posting about it!
Oh did you see? I finally figured out how to make links on names! So dead easy I dont know why I did not click on it earlier;p
Well- better dash and get ready for work!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sun is out

Thanks everyone for your supportive comments!
Christi your honesty. Your words made me feel heaps better and understood. Thanks for being open and sharing.

The sun is shining again outside and inside me too. Feeling heaps better now. I looked back at the 'I am messy 'LO and had to grin and was proud of myself too. So that is my response to the 'never good enough daughter' . Talk about selfaffirmation and selfacceptance aye?
Have done a double LO for Meg but not sure I want to enter that one, so will have another go today. Luckily no work today.
Catch you laters, have a good time!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Feeling out of sorts..

Phoned my Dad and my sis in Germany yesterday morning and ever since I feel out of sorts. Likely because my sis and I spoke in length about Mom. How she was not an easy person and how it all effected us. We were rather honest which was good but I think it brought up a few issues... grieving takes so many different faces.

I tried to work on my double LO for my DT entry for SE but somehow it just didnt float the way I wanted it to. In the end I 'gave in' and started to play around a little. Here is the result.

Hope everyone enjoys themselves this long weekend!

Friday, October 20, 2006


Yeahhhhhhhhhh weekend! Sheesh- what a mad rush day I had at work again. Nothing ever goes as planned in that place. I felt like that ever ready bunny only my speed was wound up a few notches. Madly dashing from one job to the next, just to be thrown a new task in midtask. Seems like I am the unofficial official photographer at the area office now. So in between trying to get a new fire alarm and fix that - meeting the glass man who bless him fixed the window within a days notice..., filling out forms, picking up signs, doing orientations , getting clients dressed for a funeral, which naturally entails a drive of 20 minutes each way and a gently rushing them along. Oh dont forget the paper run - picking up unread newspapers from various petrol stations and shops, buying shower mat and soap - health and safety - baked beans and spagetti - civil defense kit, doing the banking and and and... I also ended up taking photos from 2 people at their work, naturally at different workspaces and working at different times;p. . I also had the pleasure of taking photos of their gorgeous 6 year old daughter at a 3d time of course;p Gosh had a ball with her - she's a true poser but only had a 5 min time slot;p Burned 2 cd's one for the big boss and one for the family, just had to give the girl her pics!
I came home pooped... but elated.. Loooooooooooong weekend!!!
Finally managed to get my DT entry send to Lisa. So it's done. My first ever entering anything besides the forums and the nzdares.
I just love going to bed on fridays with this feeling of so much free time ahead of me!
Hope you all enjoy a great time too!


Ahh I got tagged by the lovely Christi! Trying to get me to blog more aren't you! I better get onto it then.
I'm more tired than usual. Had a class with Lara last night, making handbag files. They look absolutely stunning - not that I have mine finished yet but looks great so far. I had to go to bed I was too tired to continue. Poor patient Lara - having to instruct me when my brain was asleep. After a long day of Health & Safety issues, filling papers of medication, infection control and more health and safety audits my brain decided it had worked enough and was on absentee leave. Not so good when you have to follow a list of I really wish I could have done Lara and the project more justice by being more awake. Looking forward to finishing my little handbag file over the weekend.

Eeeps I digress, so back to the list, here is mine :

1.Things that scare me:
- worrying about accidents ( Rainer and Chris on the road)
- violence
- watching horror movies

2. People who make me laugh:
- Rainer
- Chris
- friends

3. Things I hate the most:
- backstabbing
- work overload, mine and Rainer's
- ham and pea soup

4. Things I don't understand:
- gosh so many things, physics
- cars and other technical stuff
- the motivation of some people

5. Things I'm doing right now:
- thinking about all the things I have to do at work today
- drinking coffee

6. Things I want to do before I die:
- be blissfully myself
- see our kids grow into well adjusted adults and meet their loved ones and offspring ;p
- marry Rainer

7. Things I can do:
- daydream
- be helpful and supportive
- create things

8. Ways to describe my personality:
- quirky
- idealistic and daydreamer
- open to enjoy the diversity of people and their new ideas

9. Things I can't do:
- ski
- run a marathon
- be a perfect housewife;p

10. Things I think you should listen to:
- your inner voice
- your friends
- laughter

11. Things you should never listen to:
- gossip
- complainers
- selfrighteous people who know all answers for everyone else

12. Things I'd like to learn:
- be more me and have fun with it
- how to be more organzied
- how to weld and work with metal

13. Favorite foods:
- Latte
- anything sweet - I got a big sweet tooth!
- anything with chicken breasts, no bones I hate chewing bones

14. Beverages I drink regularly:
- coffee/ latte
- water
- diet coke/pepsi

15. Shows I watched as a kid:
- Die kleine Maus
- The Flintstones
- Polnische Trickfilme

16. Persons I'm tagging:
- Kelly
- Ruth
- Rachel

Thanks for reading everyone and have a good day!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

orange and green and black

Had my NZ dare ready for a few days. That's rare for me and a nice feeling for a change. Somehow I am so slow and I am going to challenge myself to work faster. Also finally finished my altered project for the DT entry. Rather like how it turned out :) Still need to submit to Lisa. LOL as usual all on the last minute 0.O

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Good things

So nice to have a tidy scrap space for a change. Too bad it will be messy right about this time tomorrow! LOL -I cant help it I am slightly chaotic.

Sooooo happy!!! We went to the local second hand shop today and got some real bargains. I spotted the shelves below and asked Rainer to haggle them for me, max $15. He's a natural, got them for 10 bucks!Perfect for my plastic storage boxes. That will free up some much needed space on the big shelves.

I'm so so lucky. Rainer is incredible supportive! Big smile on his face he came up to me and dangled this tool thing in front of my face..' Look what I got for you' Me? 'Yep a heatgun - 5 bucks and working! you might need this is you want to try out embossing, but be careful it's gonna get real hot !'... am I blessed or what? He laughed and said, oh no an excuse to buy more stuff for you now;p Guess I will try my hand on embossing soon *smiles*.
Did I mention yet I fell in love all over again!!! Well off to snuggle with my sweety!
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

spring cleaning....

One can take only so much spring cleaning in a weekend!!! As a treat in between we went to our favorite cafe 'Sorelle' for a nice lunchbreak. Gawds their food is divine and the athmosphere had us relaxed in no time! They had some new interesting art work - metal scultures by a local artist- on display. That was a real bonus!

Now I know where some poor piggies go on a sunday afternoon... to a butcher of course ;p Things you see in main street Waiuku ;p

Had a little outing at work yesterday. The weather was so miserable that noone even wanted to get out of the van for a quick look. But we will return here on a sunnier day ( above Tuakau Bridge ) Love the view!

What's with the weather anyways?
Really warm for a few days and now it's all hail and rain storms and cold winds.
Brr I want my proper spring back!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yeah - grunge time ;p

Chris has been so cooperative lately. Allowing me to take photos and even commenting on some of my LO's. I thought it's time I make a real grungy feel LO for him. One with all those things any 'decent' t-shirt must have, like a skull..LOL . And voila - here's the result. Entered it into SE fortnightly challenge - theme- number inspiration. He likes it, especially the skull of course;p I had much fun doodling away. Tried to make my doodles a bit grungy and tatoo - y. Oh forgot to mention, it's called - Not so sweet 16 - talks about how it's not been all sweet and easy for him this year with a lot of changes and growing up to do. Like leaving highschool for MIT etc.

Guess I got a bit into the grunge mojo and did another LO for NZ Dares - male + flower challenge. Lets face it, I put a pretty flower on a Chris LO and he might object and call it 'teenager abuse'. He didnt mind these flowers. They are ok... Ok = good in Chris lingo. Had fun with this one. First time I used a mask ( from HS) then grunged it up with chalks, paint and inks. Love using my fingers for that, such fun!!! It got hidden journaling under the got tag - talking about how we are so different in many ways ( looks- personality- spirituality etc ) but so nice we got the same eyes.
Good night and have sweet dreams and great days!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

down memory lane .. and into the future

Stumbled over these photos as I was looking for the 'First' entry for SE's monthly competition. PARIS !!! Fantastic memories of all the art works I saw. It was such a awesome trip! I just had to scrap them! Had to do a double LO - not something I do a lot- as there were so many of them.

Another double LO - again dictated by seize of 'subject matter'. Found the original photo test print page of the first' proper' mini album I've ever made - Feb 2005. So special to me, my favorite! Not because of it's looks but because it made me discover this thing called 'scrapbooking'. I remember 'finding' the paper at The Warehouse and got some bits and pieces at a haberdashery. Had so much fun doing it! Rainer thought it was a pretty cool birthday present. After doing it I discovered there is a whole scrapbooking world out there!
And finally this year in June I decided to join that world properly. Now I am completely hooked and loving it!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wow 2 posts in 1 day!

Can you tell I had some time out from work... Am loving it!
So exciting just found out I won a little voucher for my bling shoes! I love how I slowly revise my picture of luck, draws and winning. Thought of myself as being unlucky... but beginning to believe I am a lucky gal!
Lotto next.. hmm need to buy a ticket some day!

Had such fun doing this LO for SBO September challenge, using 3 bugs paper and making your own cardstock embelli. I am in LOVe! That PC microglitter i's just amazing. One cannot see it so well in the photo but it sparkles like a 1000 suns in daylight!
My fairysister and my niece Oneder, love how they bring out the best in each other. They are two such special people. The the small journaling is about their special relationship and how glad I am to be part of it all.
I am so proud of them both! MY family!

Fun LO - making me grin!

Every time I look at this LO I must grin! It's kinda a bit over the top, just like the subject of the photo ;p
Journaling reads: OK OK I admit it. I am a closet Bling Addict. But I am ready to come out and dazzle my world.
This was my LO for the weekly challenge at SBO - Lyn's Glitter challenge. I had such fun putting those shiny sequins on and simply playing around. Wish I did that more often in general.
Arent these shoes just quite something else? They are so delightfully over the top, makes me feel great to wear them! Rainers workmate Michelle - bless her- told him to tell me they had cool sparkly shoes at The Warehouse.. how's that for sparkle networking! Naturally we had to swing by and check them out. Couldn't see them until Rainer climbed up one of those huge shelves and threw down a couple of boxes. Great delight when they fell out! For under $10 I had to buy a few pairs of course! Rainer grinned and said once they're bust I can cut them up and use them on some LO. My man is starting to think like a scrapper, love it!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Happy as!

Had a fun scrapping lately and will post some LO's soon!
Just managed to finish my metal LO for NZ dare. Suddenly yesterday eve inspiration hit me - love it when that happens! Quite like it. Tons of practise for the dreaded eyelet setting;p Proud to report I am getting quite good at it;p.
Ok better rush, photography class with Vicky soon and I didnt have any dinner yet.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thanks guys for the support. Alas I am truely bad at leaving work at work. My head just spins of this continous what to do next list. I admire people who can make a clear seperation and please pass on your secret to me!

The office floor was covered in paper rubbish when I left today. We dont have a huge enough paper waste basket LOL. Plus it all needs to be shredded for safety reasons... and then the biggest bummer...likely it's against 1-umphty knows how many policies to use any photos I make at work.. *grumps* So Kelly there goes that idea... and I had no time to take pictures of the glorious freesias in the garden. Instead it was pictures of safety boots and sneakers;p TGIF tomorrow! Just hope I get everything done for the monday check up. Haha, dunno if my boss realizes that I am not scheduled on for Monday... I sure aint gonna tell her;p

On the plus, wasn't SuperNova cool tonight! Made my evening! Not surprised they picked Lucas. He kinda bridges the gap between the old rock boys ( Gilbie & co ) and the young, the goth , the punk and older audience and is a great performer. Loved his sparkly lipgloss tonight - I want some just like it.

More plus...
I finally got the last photo I needed for Kelly's family CJ. For days I wasn't sure how to do them and tonight suddenly inspiration hit me and I got my concept ! Even managed to get a start on that and had a play with photoshop. Think it'll work out fine. Made me happy. Gosh I love the way scrapbooking makes me feel!
Off I go to scrapbooking dreamland, where the shops stock everything I could imagine. Where everything is for free and deliveries take no more than 3 minutes worldwide.
See you there!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Should have been more careful about using a title with the word chaos in it... Life has a habit of noticing little things like that;p
Overnight my life went from happy chaos to stressed, full on chaos. Work, different audits coming up, as usual with minimal notice. Felt like screaming and throwing a tantrum when I heard that. And as if that was not enough this coming Monday the top bosses drop by with a check up visit to start the whole show off . Just found out yesterday... that simply left me speechless. Gone are my free days - desperatly trying to plow through all that needs to be done.
Could not have come at a worse time either as there are so many cool competitions out there. Had it all planned what I was gonna start this I feel flustered and kinda bereft.
The forum girls were so sweet and understanding in their posts, made me feel heaps better - thanks girls! Kelly made a very good suggestion - thank you! She said to take the camera and snap the cause of my resentment for my BOM and scrap it once I got time. She's right better to see the glass half full than half empty and look for the good and opportunities in things.
Lesson for me - keep the 'scrap hat' on even at work and even in stress!

Glad I didn't pull out of Vicky's class last night . Really enjoyed it, the forum girls are such a nice lot and I learned a lot. Vicky has a great way of simplifying things and concepts into easily understandable bits. Once again it's all about perspective and perception, literally and in how and why we approach things. I need to befriend my camera more and be less afraid of all the buttons, technical terms and that fat book called manual.

Well time to go read up on the forums.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Decorations are up!

lol ...making this blog is a bit like moving into a new home. I put up the clock and hung the first pictures and now I wanna kick back and relax. Was a bit of a challenge getting the strip to go into its allotted slot. The stamp was a piece of cake. Love that it doesnt look so 'bare' anymore.
But oh oh, the time it all took...
Now I got a pile of photos to edit for work, health & safety, toilets, showers, mobs, plugs... how exciting... NOt.
Work tomorrow.... sad I love weekends when everyone is home and we hang out.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

bling bling

Isn't this just the most gorgeous piece of super bling!
What miserable weather today. Rainer and I went to town and browsed through the new Dollar Shop. Love that place! Shelves overflowing with useful and useless things! A riot of colours and lots of flowers and bling. At the checkout counter I saw this ring. I mean how can you not notice something that sparkles like this?
Rainer knows me so well.. looked at the ring, then at me and said ' go get it'. Bless him :) Love that he totally gets me and supports my quirks! Nevermind the rain today, I have my own flower and rainbow- right on my finger and it sparkles like 10 suns!

Oh you wanna see what else I got? My answer to a cold rainy day. Bright flowers.

Had a great late lunch at Sorelle's our most favorite ever Cafe. I just adore that place and the owners are such fantastic women! We found out they are going to move to Kariotahi Beach in January. I love that beach but I so love the athmosphere of their current place.. Peaceful, stylish and luxurious, yet totally comfy. Hope the other place will match that somehow.
Well time to find something to nibble.

Had to happen eventually...

Yep, I joined the bloggers!
Strangest feeling... the private person inside me frowns but the rest of me is dancing around. That's my life.
A big learning curve, managed to add a picture and also changed some links. Will have to do something about the title. Too empty.
Back to reading helpfiles 0.o