Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tagged by default from reading Hannah's blog!

20 Questions
1. What countries have you visited?

Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan,Belgium, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Germany
2. Would you rather fly, walk, swim or ride a horse?
Fly - simply because one can cover such vast distances when flying and the world becomes my oyster. Having said that, anything above10+ hours in a plane feels a bit? like torture ;p
3. If you could get stuck in an elevator with any celebrity, who would it be?
Dalai Lhama - and lets be stuck there for a good long time please!
4. How would your co-workers describe you?

Effective, organized, knowledgable, reliable,quirky and friendly.
5. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
I have 2 piercing in the ear but I reckon they are grown close again . Tattoos? Me? Never!I know there is a big chance that what I love now I wont love in 5 years time so why would I commit to something so permanent;p I am all for rub on & wash off tatooes!
6. Which movie character would you most like to be?
The leading lady in the movie 'chocolat'- just because she is so much who she is...
BTW love this quote from the movie:
Père Henri: Do I want to speak of the miracle of our Lord's divine transformation? Not really, no. I don't want to talk about his divinity. I'd rather talk about his humanity. I mean, you know, how he lived his life, here on Earth. His *kindness*, his *tolerance*... Look, here's what I think. I think that we can't go around... measuring our goodness by what we don't do. By what we deny ourselves, what we resist, and who we exclude. I think... we've got to measure goodness by what we *embrace*, what we create... and who we include.
7. What is your nickname?
I have a few of these. Silke calls me Fairy Sis, suga and sunshine, Rainer calls me Engelchen, Suesse , Kleine and my sweety, Dad and my sis call me Ilkamusch
8. Have you ever been arrested?
No and have no intention of changing that!
9. What is your worst pet peeve?
Drivers who don't keep their safe distance to me.
10. Is your music collection alphabetised?
Are you kidding me? Of course not.
11. What's your favourite cartoon character?

12. Do you play any instruments?
No- sadly not.
13. If you were on Survivor, what would be your luxury item?
Paper and pens - to doodle with and write things - my way to 'tune out'
14. If you could eliminate one disease, what would it be?
Cancer and aids - sorry but cant settle for just one.
15. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Guess I am a bit of both- more nightowl though. I love staying up late but these days I often get up early even on weekends! Dont worry I make up for the lack of sleep with a snooze in the arvo ;p
16. What are your secret talents?
Wouldn't be secret - if I told you O.o
17.Who is your favourite author?
I rather think I have a favourite genre which is fantasy.
18. Which TV family would you like to join?
The Adams Family - lol
19. What song would you sing at Karaoke?
Being the friendly person that I am none out of considerations to my fellow human beings;p
20. If you could have only one food for the rest of your life (assuming that this would not affect your health), which food would you choose?
One? Must be two, too much sweet I crave savory and vice versa ;p Sweet - chocolate and savory bread/chips.

Consider yourself tagged;p


Anonymous said...

Once again I a learning new stuff about scrappers all the time. I loved the movie Chocolat. Am reading a book by the Dali Lama.

Anonymous said...

Loved reading your answers, Ilka!! I also loved the movie Chocolat. Anything with Johnny Depp in it, LOL! Oh, and your answer to the last question is pretty true - I'm sure I would get sick of chocolate and would crave something savoury after a while, too!