Friday, November 24, 2006

Hmm beta blog...

My day off today. Decided to clean up. My scrap room looks like a tornado went through *coughs* and the rest of the house is not far behind. Then got sidetracked catching up on all the blogs while fighting with the constant disconnects from my internet. It really is starting to peeve me off!

Somehow I ended up switching to beta blog... why oh why??? Some alien must have possessed me temorarily or maybe I had an early senior moment ;p Now I am confused and clueless, cant put my slideshows back etc. Only thing I got to work was a new title. Inspired by some early x-mas feelings. Guess I will figure things outin time. LOL Anything to avoid cleaning up .. bad bad me!

Late in the afternoon I realized the fortnightly challenge at SE was due today. Stipulates we need to use journaling strips. I used arrows as my journaling strips - cut from that cool Sassfrass pp I bought at scrap camp. Describing the camp and the gals with all sorts of adjectives, cool, amazing, fabulous etc. Am a bit obsessed with arrows at the moment;p Wish the photo had turned out better. Maybe I'll try take another one tomorrow.
Here it is:

Ooops - almost 1 am. Better race to bed - work tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

i hate it when donmestic chores get in the way of scrapping and blogging lol. Love your way of including the strip journalling on the arrows!! Way cool.

Hannah said...

Love that layout!!! Awesome job!

Unfortunately everybody HAS to switch to Beta at some point in the future, so you might as well get it over and done with (that's what I figured). They made it sound "optional" but if you read the finer print you will see that everybody will eventually be made to switch. But I've also failed to see what is "beta" about the beta! LOL

Christi said...

Hey Ilka! I can't say I have had many issues with beta. Have you changed your template? That could be it. I set up another blog and picked a completely different template to what I have now and it appears foreign lol. LOVE the heading!! I really need someone to make me one, I don't have the time or brain power to figure it out lol.

Kelly Slattery said...

Love the LO Ilks!! I changed to beta when I got back far it sux...have to keep logging in to post header is stuffed - I probably need to play around with it

Michelle said...

Cool layout Ilka (love that I can hear your name being pronounced properly). Love your work too.


Tracy said...

Love you lo Ilka, and the photo is great too! I haven't switched to beta yet, will hold off for as long as I can I think

Sandra said...

Layout is cool Ilka but I LOVE your header. Still in love with those boots of yours :-)

Steph said...

Love the layout, All I've scrapped this week was some stuff for a theme swap I'm in. Sad, and 1/2 a birthday card. Love the header thing too, very cool.

Anonymous said...

great layout, awesome photo. Your new banner looks cool in the spirit of Christmas, still can't get over the awesome boots!! Well done...P.S am adding your link on my blog :)

Hannah said...

Hmmmm, Blogger won't let me comment on your most recent post ... there is just no "comment" section :-(

SO anyway, I wanted to say that I love the layouts you did of Chris! And the shopping day sounded exhausting!! But fun ;-)

Tracey and Adrian said...

Ilka, was wanting to put a comment on your post Weekend almost over, but there is nowhere to comment so I'll leave it here!! Wow!! I just love your layouts, from scrapcamp, amazing. I love the way you think outside to square, so to speak! I can't wait to see what else you come up with!!

Your ;p buddy LOL!!