Sunday, October 22, 2006

Feeling out of sorts..

Phoned my Dad and my sis in Germany yesterday morning and ever since I feel out of sorts. Likely because my sis and I spoke in length about Mom. How she was not an easy person and how it all effected us. We were rather honest which was good but I think it brought up a few issues... grieving takes so many different faces.

I tried to work on my double LO for my DT entry for SE but somehow it just didnt float the way I wanted it to. In the end I 'gave in' and started to play around a little. Here is the result.

Hope everyone enjoys themselves this long weekend!


Anonymous said...

sometimes you have to give in and do what feels right. I am talking about the layout. Grief comes in many forms and feeling out of sorts is normal especially when your dealing with feelings and emotions about the good times and not so good times. Being honest is all that anyone can ask. Who the "feeling out of sorts" passes soon.

Hannah said...

Sorry you've been feeling a bit out of sorts. I guess we all get that way at times but it sounds like you have good support and people who you can talk to. That always helps.
Loving the layout!

Christi said...

Ilka, it's good when you can share these things with people. I do a lot of sharing about how my mother is but definitely feel that not many can relate. So I often feel alone on the subject. On many levels I have to deal with my mother with kid hands and have learned to ignore many things that come from her mouth. I often wonder why I should though? It's just good we live so far apart ;)

Roo said...

Hope you are feeling a bit more 'in sorts' hmm ya know what I mean. Like your playing around lo too.

Unknown said...

I love your layout.It cracks me up.i think I should send you a photo of me and you could recreate that exact l/o for me.LOL

Unknown said...

Ops and I am sending a big hug.Take care.