Friday, October 20, 2006


Ahh I got tagged by the lovely Christi! Trying to get me to blog more aren't you! I better get onto it then.
I'm more tired than usual. Had a class with Lara last night, making handbag files. They look absolutely stunning - not that I have mine finished yet but looks great so far. I had to go to bed I was too tired to continue. Poor patient Lara - having to instruct me when my brain was asleep. After a long day of Health & Safety issues, filling papers of medication, infection control and more health and safety audits my brain decided it had worked enough and was on absentee leave. Not so good when you have to follow a list of I really wish I could have done Lara and the project more justice by being more awake. Looking forward to finishing my little handbag file over the weekend.

Eeeps I digress, so back to the list, here is mine :

1.Things that scare me:
- worrying about accidents ( Rainer and Chris on the road)
- violence
- watching horror movies

2. People who make me laugh:
- Rainer
- Chris
- friends

3. Things I hate the most:
- backstabbing
- work overload, mine and Rainer's
- ham and pea soup

4. Things I don't understand:
- gosh so many things, physics
- cars and other technical stuff
- the motivation of some people

5. Things I'm doing right now:
- thinking about all the things I have to do at work today
- drinking coffee

6. Things I want to do before I die:
- be blissfully myself
- see our kids grow into well adjusted adults and meet their loved ones and offspring ;p
- marry Rainer

7. Things I can do:
- daydream
- be helpful and supportive
- create things

8. Ways to describe my personality:
- quirky
- idealistic and daydreamer
- open to enjoy the diversity of people and their new ideas

9. Things I can't do:
- ski
- run a marathon
- be a perfect housewife;p

10. Things I think you should listen to:
- your inner voice
- your friends
- laughter

11. Things you should never listen to:
- gossip
- complainers
- selfrighteous people who know all answers for everyone else

12. Things I'd like to learn:
- be more me and have fun with it
- how to be more organzied
- how to weld and work with metal

13. Favorite foods:
- Latte
- anything sweet - I got a big sweet tooth!
- anything with chicken breasts, no bones I hate chewing bones

14. Beverages I drink regularly:
- coffee/ latte
- water
- diet coke/pepsi

15. Shows I watched as a kid:
- Die kleine Maus
- The Flintstones
- Polnische Trickfilme

16. Persons I'm tagging:
- Kelly
- Ruth
- Rachel

Thanks for reading everyone and have a good day!


Hannah said...

I liked reading your answers, Ilka! You're right, it does give more of a "glimpse" into what other people are like ;-)

Roo said...

Thanks for the tag, I will get onto it as soon as I can. Love your orange and green lo last post too

Anonymous said...

oh that bag sounds nice......I am a latte girl too....Liked reading your list BTW.