Saturday, September 09, 2006

Had to happen eventually...

Yep, I joined the bloggers!
Strangest feeling... the private person inside me frowns but the rest of me is dancing around. That's my life.
A big learning curve, managed to add a picture and also changed some links. Will have to do something about the title. Too empty.
Back to reading helpfiles 0.o


Kelly Slattery said...

woohooo welcome to blogworld Ilka!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Blogworld Ilka. You can share as much or as little as you like, thats the beauty of blogworld.

Christi said...

Howdy, Ilka! Welcome aboard ;) I share everything so my blog is a good read but probably makes some a bit uncomfortable but feel free to stop by! I'll be reading up on yours ;)